Join the SEAOH community by downloading and completing the SEAOH Membership Application. Instructions are included in the application package. Please contact the SEAOH office if you have any questions about membership or the application.
Please mail your completed application with sponsors’ signature to the address at the bottom of the form. You will be notified after approval of your membership and will be able to make payment on your membership due.
As a member of SEAOH you will be eligible for the following:
SEAOH provides a forum for issues specifically related to Structural Engineering design, business practices, and legal issues.
SEAOH provides educational opportunities for professional development hours at meetings, seminars and annual conference.
Reduced fees for SEAOH seminars and meetings, and for NCSEA webinars.
SEAOH members that are Structural Engineers registered in the State of Hawaii are able to vote for the SEAOH Board of Directors who can represent you on structural engineering issues both in-state and nationally.
Receive Structure Magazine and the local Building Industry Magazine. The Structure Magazine benefit is applicable only to the following membership classes: Members, and Lifetime Members.
Notification of events, seminars and issues that are of interest to Structural Engineers